I’m Back!
Hello Lovely Readers,
I’m back! No seriously, I am! I am back in business.
It has been a long time coming and while I have previously ‘threatened’ several comebacks; I feel now is the perfect time to breathe new life into UptownTwirl; build my business; and lead my best, most stylish life yet.
If someone had said to me ‘pre-Maxie’, I would make less than a handful of posts on UptownTwirl in 2013 I would have thought them completely and utterly mad. ‘Pre-Maxie’ I had visions of my beautiful angel sleeping peacefully in his bassinet next to me while I created extraordinary content and took my business to new heights. It was going to be my most productive year yet.
So what happened?
To be brutally honest I was exhausted. Not just the sleep deprived baby exhaustion everyone tells you about {not that you really listen until it happens to you} but more so tired and weary from years of burning the midnight oil {on business; on blogging; on side projects; on personal projects; on client projects; on light bulb moments; etc; etc; etc}. I didn’t know where it was all going and if that was somewhere I wanted to end up anyway.
So what have I been doing this last year?…
I have immersed myself in all the joys, the milestones, the challenges {and quite often the tears} this new chapter of my life brought me. It has been the most thought-provoking yet rewarding and undoubtedly best experience of my life. Beside my usual daily intake of Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, etc; I added baby and parenting articles to the mix. So if you happen to have any questions about infant sleep {or lack thereof} I will probably be able to give you a multitude of answers and explanations.
And while I don’t want to make unrealistic promises about posting daily and give general lip service about how I have turned a corner and am back on my blogging A-game {which I am just so you know!}; but I do just want to say you will be seeing a lot more of me again. And I am so excited to be back.
So, without further ado I give you my first article back (it’s above this post or you can click here}. I hope you enjoy.
Love & kisses
Cara xo
p.s. I’ve missed you.
The Whispering One – The Clothes Whisperer
{Blog Address: www.theclotheswhisperer.co.uk}
Maybe there is no such thing as “the perfect blog”… but then again, maybe there is.
Since first stumbling upon The Clothes Whisperer in early 2011, I think I am yet to find a blog that on a weekly basis provides such diversity in both photography and content – and does it oh so well.
The Clothes Whisperer’s author, Kristin Knox, creates a lovely mixture of daily blog posts, reporting on up-to-the-minute fashion discoveries from all over the world; all the while injecting heavily her own personal style and a unique story telling technique that very few bloggers have devoted such time and effort to perfecting.
Whether she is reporting from front row at Milan Fashion Week or posting her findings from her adopted home town of London (this one’s a New York gal originally), you can always count on being captivated and enchanted by whatever is going on in the world of Kristin Knox – The Clothes Whisperer.
If you haven’t visited this charming blog yet, I suggest that at the point of the day you like to call “me time”, you make yourself a nice cup of tea (maybe a biscuit or two could be of aid) and logon to www.theclotheswhisperer.co.uk. Explore the “Table of Contents” and choose any of her delightful articles…
Enjoy. xx
p.s. Next on Uptown Twirl… Fashion Foie Gras
Bloggers Feature
On Twitter I frequently ask for people to tweet me links to their most cherished and frequently visited fashion blogs.
After months of receiving a range of brilliant recommendations (and some, the polar opposite) I have made the decision that once every month I will share four of my favorite blogs from a certain country around the world. For the month of September I am very pleased to introduce (unless you have already found these beauties)…
The Whimsical One – A Girl, A Style
{Blog Address: www.AGirlAStyle.com}
In regard to the saying “is the glass half empty or half full?” as a reference point to A Girl, A Style, the response is – it’s absolutely over flowing.
The Cambridge based A Girl, A Style came to my attention in 2010 while I was living in London. After several pleasant Twitter conversations with blog editor, Briony Whitehouse, it became quite clear we had three things in common:
a). we were both Australian girls who had moved to the UK.
b). we were both huge lovers of fashion.
c). and we were both relatively new to blogging.
Since then it has my pleasure to watch A Girl, A Style become one of the most unique and beautiful fashion blogs on the internet.
You can tell when visiting A Girl, A Style that every post has been well planned, thought through and written/photographed with a little piece of the soul. From charming street style photographs to “chicken soup for the soul” natured articles (see “30 things to do before I’m 30”), you can see why Briony’s blog continues to grow in popularity weekly.
Check out www.agirlastyle.com today and make sure you take a look at all of her whimsical photographs of her life in Cambridge.
Truly beautiful… xx
p.s. Next on Uptown Twirl… The Clothes Whisperer
Photos from agirlastyle.com