I’m Back!
Hello Lovely Readers,
I’m back! No seriously, I am! I am back in business.
It has been a long time coming and while I have previously ‘threatened’ several comebacks; I feel now is the perfect time to breathe new life into UptownTwirl; build my business; and lead my best, most stylish life yet.
If someone had said to me ‘pre-Maxie’, I would make less than a handful of posts on UptownTwirl in 2013 I would have thought them completely and utterly mad. ‘Pre-Maxie’ I had visions of my beautiful angel sleeping peacefully in his bassinet next to me while I created extraordinary content and took my business to new heights. It was going to be my most productive year yet.
So what happened?
To be brutally honest I was exhausted. Not just the sleep deprived baby exhaustion everyone tells you about {not that you really listen until it happens to you} but more so tired and weary from years of burning the midnight oil {on business; on blogging; on side projects; on personal projects; on client projects; on light bulb moments; etc; etc; etc}. I didn’t know where it was all going and if that was somewhere I wanted to end up anyway.
So what have I been doing this last year?…
I have immersed myself in all the joys, the milestones, the challenges {and quite often the tears} this new chapter of my life brought me. It has been the most thought-provoking yet rewarding and undoubtedly best experience of my life. Beside my usual daily intake of Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, etc; I added baby and parenting articles to the mix. So if you happen to have any questions about infant sleep {or lack thereof} I will probably be able to give you a multitude of answers and explanations.
And while I don’t want to make unrealistic promises about posting daily and give general lip service about how I have turned a corner and am back on my blogging A-game {which I am just so you know!}; but I do just want to say you will be seeing a lot more of me again. And I am so excited to be back.
So, without further ado I give you my first article back (it’s above this post or you can click here}. I hope you enjoy.
Love & kisses
Cara xo
p.s. I’ve missed you.
3 responses to “I’m Back!”
Whoop!!!!! I love uptown twirl!
Welcome back beautiful Cara, we missed you!
Motherhood is such a privilege and joy (and so much work too), it’s so wonderful you’ve had quality time with gorgeous Maxie. I started my parenting blog after 10 months maternity with Oliver and really felt I needed to get back to writing.
I think motherhood has made me more creative, ambitious and hopefully more stylish! Lots of love x
Yay, Cara!!!