Style, Espresso News

Uptown Twirl Campaign

Are you an Uptown Twirl Girl or Boy?

Uptown Twirl Portraits This January…

Now that I am in Australia for Christmas, I have had a chance to work on the Uptown Twirl artworks again and am excited to announce for the month of January I will be creating unique Uptown Twirl portraits for fashion and style bloggers!

Each illustration is drawn by me in the unique Uptown Twirl style! You can feature your Uptown Twirl portrait on your blog / website; Facebook page; and wherever you want to! There are only three Uptown Twirl Artwork Conditions…

1>> You add the Uptown Twirl artwork to your blog / site
2>> The artwork must link back to
You cannot edit, crop or change the artwork

If you have a fashion blog and would like an Uptown Twirl artwork, please click here to email me…

To view more Uptown Twirl portraits, please click here to visit the official Uptown Twirl Facebook page…

Email me now if  you would like one! xx

Lovely Uptown Twirl Ladies…

P.s. Merry Christmas! xx